Dick Van Dyke Talks Chimney Safety


A blast from the past! This video is from 1992: Dick Van Dyke, America’s most recognizable chimney sweep, donated his talent to the Chimney Safety Institute of America. CSIA produced a public service announcement distributed to 404 stations across the country in time for National Chimney Sweep Week. (Thanks to Joe Brooks for translating this from VHS!)

More Dick Van Dyke Talks Chimney Safety

Animals Belong in the Forest, Not Your Chimney

Birds, squirrels and other woodland creatures make for cute, fuzzy animals (especially in fairy tales). Until they end up in your chimney, that is. Unless you’ve been hearing unexplainable scampering of little feet or the fluttering of bird wings, the thought of one of those warm little animals in your chimney probably hasn’t crossed your … More Animals Belong in the Forest, Not Your Chimney